Thursday, June 9, 2011

~TT~ Things you shouldn't cook while naked....

Have you ever sat back and looked at the conversations you and your best friend have? I have the ability as me and Sharon don't talk on the phone often instead we get on yahoo messenger and such. So I can sit here and laugh over our conversations. For our ~TT~ this week we started to go off one list and then deicded that it was boring and are 13 things you shouldn't cook while naked. Instead of listing the items as we normally would I am going to copy and paste our conversation so you can see how we developed our list. And don't forget to see some other ~TT~ participants! There are some great lists out there!

Sharon: hmm
Sharon: 13
Charity: pantry must haves? 13 things we keep on hand at all times? 13 things to do with potatoes?
Sharon: pantry 13
Charity: 13 things to spice up coffee
Sharon: ok
Charity: assorted pasta
Sharon: i don't know 13 things to spice up coffee
Charity: speg sauce
Charity: mac and cheese
Charity: tuna
Sharon: sighs this is a boring list
Charity: lol
Charity: I know
Sharon: how about 13 things you can't cook while naked
Charity: omg love it
Sharon: Bacon
Sharon: Sausage
Charity: fried chicken
Sharon: tacos.. messy
Charity: speg sauce cause it splatters too
Sharon: nods
Sharon: repeat bacon
Sharon: lol
Charity: ooh how about anything that requires more than the two front burners cause then you gotta lean over
Sharon: ! golden
Sharon: lol
Sharon: steaming vegetables
Charity: ooh grilling burgers
Sharon: nods nods nods
Charity: boiling eggs cause you gotta dump the boiling water out
Sharon: hmm..... fajitas
Sharon: sizzle....
Charity: ooh yeah they snap crackle pop
Charity: gravey cause when you whisk body parts whisk too
Sharon: eeesh
Sharon: yeah
Sharon: um um um .. omg French fries
Charity: oh good one!
Sharon: epic owie

Charity: next week we can do a list of things you can cook naked
Sharon: laughs!


  1. LOL!! I love this!! Especially gravy.

  2. Could you do me a favor? Next time you're over at could you correct the link in the comment form? It took me a while to figure out how to get over here because you left a C out.

  3. Re Next week's list: Will there be pix?

    Thoroughly enjoyed the dialog approach. Very cool.

  4. @Alice Audrey, I will get over there and fix that asap. Thank you for letting me know. I posted before coffee....nuff said.

    @rlavalette I will tell Sharon that you requested that for next week. I think it is her turn to post the ~TT~ and I think pix should be included!

  5. I LOVE how you presented your list, as a conversation. I would never have thought of that :-) And I will forever, esecially when I am making gravy, think of the whisking body parts! And... I am looking at my planner and thinking of color codes - thank you. And thank you for a list that really made me smile. Oh, and I appreciate kind words on my 3WW. More than you know. Ta.

  6. For me, the funniest part was at the end, when I didn't know to stop and saw that yesterday's post was a baked chicken recipe! I'll have to check if you specified that I should be fully clothed as I prepare it.

  7. I don't even want to cook those when I'm dressed. I hate oil splatter all over my arms! lol!

  8. @A Kwee Life: We are toying with the idea of doing our list like this each week since it really is how we get the list ready and I gotta tell you life got easier when I started highlighting in my planner with different colors. It makes everything pop out and not be overlooked.

    @The Gal Herself: Im glad you didn't stop reading lol. I neglected to put on there if clothing should be worn perhaps we will have to adopt a code system from now on! (CO-Clothig Optional) and (CS-Clothing Suggested) Im sure Sharon will come up with a funny code!

    @Willa: I have a splatter screen. It cuts down on cuss words and messy clean ups. You can get them fairly cheap at dollar stores and walmart type places.

    Thank you all for stopping by!

  9. I'm thinking anything that involves grease would be a BAD idea, LOL. Thanks for visiting!
