Saturday, August 20, 2011

Paula vs. Anthony

I am taking a break from unpacking to comment on something I saw in the news yesterday. Is it ground breaking? No. However it did make me wonder where some people get off....

For those of you that haven't heard Anthony Bourdain the guy from "No Reservations" on the travel channel decided to attack some of the food network stars. This in itself isn't all that terrible everyone is entitled to their opinion after all but to publicly call out certain people he has never met?

Paula Deen the goddess of down home southern cookin, was accused by Anthony of encouraging people to eat food that is killing America. So perhaps he wants to see her use her influance as a good example. Maybe he feels that she should promote healthy foods so people won't have to worry about portion control cause they think without butter or oil they can eat all they want....cause that is what that translates too. Just ask.

What confuses me is in "No Reservations" what I get from him is a brooding man looking out to the sunset smoking and drinking, eating, brooding more smoking, rinse repeat. So is that a better example? Obviously Anthony must be of the same opinion as some that McDonalds is causing people to get fat and it isn't the fault of the people that can't seem to get their enlarged rears off the couch and go for a walk. Instead they sit there watching him encourage his own lung cancer and those around him that have to inhale his second hand. What a great guy!

Yes I watch his show every so often and find him at times to be witty and on the rare occasion to be profound. The every so often rare occasion part comes if there is nothing else on. I apologize if this offends fans of Anthony but he is less bad boy with a deep meaningful light in his soul, and more middle aged man that offends people everywhere he goes. Don't know what I am talking about? Instead of watching him on the show, look at the facial expressions of those around him and see how often his demeanor causes their eyes to twitch and strained smiles to tug at the corner of their lips.

And one more point to be made. He wonders if Rachel Ray ever cooks anymore and I have to wonder, does he? Have I ever seen a show that he made anything? Nope.

Come on man. Get off your high horse and get a clue.

To those people that find butter and oil to be offensive...Even the "bad" foods in moderation is really okay I promise. Food does not always have to be without fats or without proteins, carbs or whatever it is you are taking out to be healthy. Life is about balance people. You want to have fried chicken? Serve a salad and some roasted veggies on the side. Use pop as a treat not a daily habit. Having The Pioneer Woman's mashed potatoes? Let that be the only starch on the plate. After you are done? Put the dishes in the sink and take your family for a walk. Encourage healthy eating in your children by promoting balance of all the food groups and that they need to get out and play, ride their bikes and run around instead of so many video games and cartoons.

Okay soap box moment is over for today I need to get back to unpacking my house.

You can read more about the feud at the OMG now site. Yeah I read gossip articles as a guiltless pleasure.

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