Thursday, November 3, 2011

Another NAKED ~TT~

We have been terrible ~TT~ participants but are trying to be better. We were going to do 13 comfort foods for fall however this morning Sharon was inspired it seems to be naked with chocolate. We have tried to keep it pretty PG and so some very naughty and enticing things were left off the could have been so very much worse.

After you check out our list go on over and visit the other ~TT~ people at

Charity:‎ Uh why arent you home? Cause this is your day off woman!
Sharon:‎ Lol yeah never a full day off
Charity:‎ You had to go in??
Sharon:‎ No just run to a print shop
Charity:‎ Okay I'm good with that.
Sharon:‎ While I wait you wanna do TT? I'm thinking chocolate. And nakedness makes chocolate better
Sharon:‎ Start off easy... Salted caramel chocolates
Charity:‎ Okay I do need to ask though....doesn't chocolate taste amazing without being naked?
Sharon:‎ Sure but being naked just assures you don't eat too much. It's like being passive aggressive with yourself.
Charity:‎ I buy that....moving on. Let's list a classic cliche for romantical moments. Chocolate dipped strawberries. Now I prefer to dip them in warm chocolate not the hard kind. When the strawberry is cold and the warm chocolate....yeah it is just....yeah.
Sharon:‎ God you're a classy bish. Good call.
Charity:‎ Yeah I know I got it like that.
Sharon:‎ Ok well keeping with the theme, can't go wrong with a chocolate fountain. Just be careful you don't get forked.
Charity:‎ I thought the point of naked chocolate eating was to get....Nevermind. I think chocolate fountain is okay but normal people don't have those laying around.
Sharon:‎ What!
Sharon:‎ Well ok moving on.
Charity:‎ Chocolate cheesecake bites. So little squares of amazing.
Charity:‎ Easy enough to pop in your own mouth or someone else's AND no fork.
Sharon:‎ Omg yeah. Sounds good
Sharon:‎ I'm not above a little forking
Charity:‎ Then you need to get with that. Just sayin.
Sharon:‎ Wahaha!!!! Ok ok. Next!
Sharon:‎ I'm thinking Oreo truffle balls
Charity:‎ I have never had an oreo truffle ball.
Sharon:‎ They're great.. Super duper easy.
Sharon:‎ Good with milk
Charity:‎ Chocolate chip pancakes for the morning after breakfast.
Sharon:‎ I add bananas.
Charity:‎ lol of course you do.
Sharon:‎ Extra moisture. Good god. Bananas, forking, balls... This is gonna be an NC 17 TT
Charity:‎ Okay I once saw a recipe for tenderloin that they rubbed with cocoa powder for seasoning.
Sharon:‎ No way! Using chocolate on your meat? Niiiice
Charity:‎ I know!
Sharon:‎ And while we're discussing meat..... Chocolate covered bacon
Charity:‎ Okay I tried to do the candied bacon thing and it turned out bad. I didn't like it at all. I'm not sure I can jump on the chocolate covered bacon train.
Sharon:‎ Omg bish trust me. I'm Canadian I know my bacon capabilities
Sharon:‎ Gotta use dark chocolate though
Charity:‎ Okay okay I defer to your brilliance. I'm not a fan of dark chocolate either. This one you are going to have to make for me. So I am going to suspend belief until future proof is provided.
Sharon:‎ Lol deal.
Sharon:‎ Your turn
Charity:‎ hot fudge sundae.
Sharon:‎ Oldie but a goodie
Sharon:‎ Ok this is a showstopper. ... Chocolate "omg I wet my pants" cake. Cadbury chocolate, fudge gooey centre, whipped cream.
Charity:‎ and you just talked yourself into sharing that recipe!
Charity:‎ speaking of chocolate cake about Better Than Sex Cake. I'm not lying that is the name and my MOTHER is the one that shared the recipe with me.
Sharon:‎ Whoa. Quite the family Char. I gotta party with your mom
Charity:‎ Yeah I know
Sharon:‎ How many is that?
Charity:‎ Let me count
Charity:‎ 11
Sharon:‎ Oh wow. Time flies when it's chocolate
Sharon:‎ Rocky road bars! We haven't mentioned nuts yet
Charity:‎ We have mentioned everything else but nuts.
Charity:‎ Okay warm nut filled brownie with a scoop of vanilla ice cream on top.
Sharon:‎ Damn... I um... Oopsies. Was it good for you?
Charity:‎ Did you lick chocolate off your wallet again?
Sharon:‎ Well that was a one time show. The poor guy that saw it is still recovering
Charity:‎ Hand him our naked chocolate menu to help him out.
Sharon:‎ Lol yeah. That'd kill him
Charity:‎ Dare ya.
Sharon:‎ Damn you!!
Charity:‎ I know.

**Yes we realize that two grown women that dare each other to do things are a bit stuck in their childhood. However...I have to suggest that you go up to a coworker one day and dare them to dance around the office or something silly and fun and it will make both of have a brighter day.**


  1. LOL. Oh boy, maybe I shouldn't have read that. I so want chocolate now.

  2. This is wonderful! And now I want chocolate now, too. And that ain't all! I love your list.

  3. I laughed out loud and, when My Beloved Sandra asked me what I was laughing about, I felt compelled to read her some out. Now she's cutting off my keyboard priviledges.

    Thanks a bunch.

  4. Blog Wobble...can we just call you Wobble? Great! Thanks for stopping by we liked your blog too and really....Wobble give in to the chocolate! In moderation of course...

    Mary Mary and Sharon would get along fabulously cause I KNOW that the "ain't all" part of your comment is all about the Dove chocolates that some of us might indulge in during a bubble bath. Yeah you chocolate tempress you!

    And Ron...from the bottom of our hearts we apologize for any priviledges to be cut off. We feel guilty and so just for you next week we will be having a special ~TT~ All about easy things to make for the beloved in your life. A sorry I laughed at the crazy chicks type list!

  5. Pretty funny, ladies. And I don't even pick chocolate first among desserts... but now I might!
