Thursday, December 1, 2011

~TT~ Movies!

**we did start out with the intention of food being the focus however we strayed a bit this week lol**

Sharon: Great Movies with food & drink focus
Charity: Okay I will go first and throw it down.....start off strong and all Julie and Julia.
Sharon: well yeah... great movie, fantastic actresses and ... well there is a ton of great cooking scenes
Charity: I have to say that there are many moments in that movie that I said out loud, "oh I could never....nope would never try that!" I also think of the onion cutting scene every time I chop onions.
((THIS is how far it took us to go off of food focus.....))

Sharon: Okay well if you are talking memorable moments? Can't go further than Meg Ryan in the restaurant faking an orgasm... and the lady saying "I'll have what she's having"..... forget what food it was, but a damn funny scene! When Harry Met Sally I think it was
Charity: I agree....I want what she is having.
Sharon: Yes! Yes! YES!!!!!
Charity: Back to food okay? A movie that I can watch over and over? Eat Pray Love.
Sharon: Yeah? never seen it
Charity: WHAT?! You haven't seen it? Julia Roberts I think in her finest! The movie is very inspiring I think and though it is not entirely about food so much as the life journey I get all caught up on the food.
Sharon: Thought she was in Mystic Pizza?
Charity: I think you are right.
Sharon: another good movie.. good pizza. But wow.. someone needed to take a weed whacker to her eyebrows back then. Shudders. Looked like 2 mating caterpillars
Charity: Don't be mean.
Sharon: I"m not being mean.. I'm being observant. If i was being mean I'd comment on her horse mouth.
Sharon: Ok ok ok.... would a little wine help?
Sharon: If so, check out the hilarious movie Sideways.. really a great movie all about wine. Not slapstick funny.. but intellectually funny
Charity: Great movie that started a revolution of Pinot Noir drinkers everywhere.
Sharon:  grins
Sharon: Haven't you noticed as we do this week's TT that I've actually been fairly good? I mean .... nothing X rated really so far
Charity:  Sex and the City gave me an appreciation for cocktails. Cosmos anyone?
Sharon: ahhh yes, the show did the same thing for me.. a new love for pink bunny ... um... friends...
Sharon: well. ... rabbit *coughs* but yes.. cosmos are a great drink... and the show is awesome
Charity: are you warning me about the X rated to come or simply proud that you have been good so far?
Sharon clearly you never saw the rabbit episode.
Charity: facepalms, "and there it is."
Charity: your turn.
Sharon  beams
Sharon : Okay .... so lets see.... for something a little different? I saw this yesterday... an oldie but a goodie and that is Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom! Not that I want to prepare Snake Surprise, giant mealie bugs or chilled monkey brains... but the dinner scene was amazing!!
Sharon : and eyeball soup... hee!
Charity: shakes her head, "wait....we are a cooking blog. Not a gross out fear factor blog!"
Sharon : yeah but the fat greasy guy that burbed loved the stuff.
Sharon : ok ok.. then lets talk about another great Meryl Streep movie with food.... Its Complicated.. she plays a pastry chef and has the cutest scene making croissants with Steve Martin. BUT... regardless? One of the funniest movies I've seen in a very long time.
Charity: laughs, "since you threw down gross I have to follow up. Have you seen Clue with Tim Curry? There is a scene in the dining room when they serve monkey brains and turns out that it is a favorite dish of Mrs. Peacock and those brains become part of the unraveling of the entire movie!
Sharon:  ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
Sharon: Okay THAT's not cool .. copycats!
Sharon : Okay here we go... this is an OLD movie again but I love it so much. Animal House! When Bluto stuffs the white cake into his mouth and goes, "see if you can guess what i am now?" and smashes his cheeks in and blows it all over the preppy kids?... "I"m a zit! get it?"....... starts a food fight... just classic.
Charity: cries, "where has this blog gone? I mean is a sad face type of day."
Charity: It started off so well.....
Sharon  frowns
Sharon : I have not listed any pornos.
Sharon : Like .... When Debbie did Donuts
Sharon :You don't wanna know what the special filling is
((Yes I googled "Debbie does Donuts" and was shocked to find Sharon got to keep it in.))

Charity: National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation! The dry turkey and the dog yakking underneath....oh and the cat food jello!
Sharon : ohhhhhhhhhhhh yeah... good timing on that one Char... gotta love Chevy Chase
Sharon : How about Dinner with Schmucks?..... I can't recall a single item they ate... but it was a funny as hell ridiculous movie.
Charity: Nope doesn't count then. There has to be food involved.
Sharon : Hmm
Sharon : Mr. and Mrs Smith with Brad & Angelina.... 1. her kitchen is awesome even with the extra guns & knives in the oven... and 2... the scene where they are serving the roast beef and figuring out that the other is trying to kill the other...
Charity: Oh yeah.....okay THAT is a perfect Accidental Cook moment! She can't cook worth shit but she puts the meal on the table AND catches the wine....however how about breakfast after they shoot at each other? Drinking juice out of broken glasses and all.
Sharon : AND then have crazy jungle sex.
Charity: The crazy sex came first. Go watch again.....I will wait.
Sharon : Can't... if i see Brad in those tighty whiteys and rubber boots Imma gonna need to grab the aforementioned rabbit.......
Charity: Then you will have to trust me then.
Sharon  runs out of the room "Brad! I"m coming!!!!!!!!!!!"
Charity: waits.....

**Sharon didn't come back last night....However I did get a text from "Brad's iPhone" and Sharon might be let loose again some point today.....While we wait together why not go over to the ~TT~ site and read some other lists! **


  1. It's a movie tour de force! Is it lunch time yet?

  2. Are those 13 movies? I imagined you two talking like a talk show skit from Saturday Night Live. I've seen almost all of them except clue and the porn one.

  3. Alice darling....YES! YES! YES!

    Colleen! We would love to be on SNL! I'm not sure they could survive us though. We might leave them craving the strangest things at midnight!

  4. That was a very enjoyable post!

    Happy TT

  5. Are there any fried green tomatoes in Fried Green Tomatoes? The title fits, but I've never seen any more than the 1st 15 minutes before falling 6 or 7 times...because I'M A GUY, AND ALL....
