Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Fish Spatulalalalala....

I wasn't going to spend another post about the elusive fish spatula, however I feel compelled to post a picture of one. No it isn't what mine looks like because I still don't have one...yes go ahead and laugh cause a kitchen gadget mocks me...

Isn't it beautiful? I will answer for you...yes, yes it is Charity! It is a beautiful spatula and you are so very right, you should have one of those for no other reason than you want it! Self? I agree with you I should have one knowing as soon as I find one they will be everywhere. Such is life and now its time to talk knives...

Sharon, would it break your heart if you knew how much I hate my knives? On the outside they are so pretty and they pretend to be well honed machines of chopping and slicing. However, I was duped when I bought them. If I had known you loved them? I would have tried to figure out how to get them with you on the plane without getting us both arrested.

I went to a home show with my mom this weekend and there were these knives there...oh these knives made me giddy. I KNOW that given these knives I could be the next chef on food network and all I would have to do is unfold the knives from a specially made leather case and the producers would go "oooh she is the real deal lets get her on air!" Well maybe the knives wouldn't get me that far but they were pretty spectacular. Had I bought the knives? My husband most likely would have left me....even after making me return them to the very charismatic salesman. The man used the kitchen scissors and cut a swan out of a penny (the sales guy not my husband)! How hard is it to say no to kitchen shears that can debone a chicken and make a bird out of a penny? It was a sad day for Charity let me tell ya!

It wasn't about me though, it was my mom that had an internal struggle waging war over these knives, because before we had gone to look at them she had told me the cost...my love affair with the beauties was over. For her though, thankfully I was with her and as we walked away dragging our feet looking over our shoulders at the shiny white handled set that would look amazing on her new granite counter. I had to go logical on her. Out of the thousands of dollars in knives he was trying to sell her, how many of them would she really NEED? The answer was, maybe four not counting the matching steak knives.

As wonderful as the knives were I am a firm believer in having only as many knives as you need and will use. For me that means two knives that I can chop with, a nice long bread knife, and a small paring knife. I also have a couple of cleavers but they are more for intimidating people when they come into the kitchen for the first time. Sharon nearly ran out the door ready to get back on a plane when that sucker came out the knife drawer! So the knives this time were a no...though she is going to buy the set in the pieces that she really wants over time satisfying herself without buying what she won't use.


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