Saturday, March 12, 2011

The noobie of the pair

You'd think with "cooks" in the title of this blog that I might actually have some skill, some 'cred' as it were that I had some useful tidbit of culinary excellence to pass on to you all. Truth is, I'm the accident part of this blog. The other half. The ying to Charity's yang, the clamity to her Jane. Plus I'm Canadian, so right there you gotta know that I come from a culture where poutine is gourmet and beer goes with everything.

So as we forge ahead with this, I can hear you questioning what on earth I will be able to bring to the table. Its a constant puzzlement to my family actually, especially to my children who think hotdogs are their own food group and that vegetables are just plain 'silly'. You know, I think I bring a certain pathetic realism to cooking. Hopefully as I trudge through this, trying to keep up with Charity, you'll have the security of knowing that no matter how badly your dinners turn out, they will still outshine my attempts and you can always say, "well... at least I'm not Sharon... "

For example... did you read Charity's first post? A fish spatula? Like, wtf is that? I have 3 spatulas because they came in the package that yellow and white from Ikea. Other than looking cute I really didn't put much thought into why I have them or what uses I'd find for them. But to purposely look for one for fish? C'mon! I never saw that happening. Did I mention that Charity has special spices she makes on her own and a damn awesome set of kitchen knives I almost stole from her? She rocks, she's amazing and if you want to improve your culinary skills? Listen to her. You want to feel better about yourself? I'm your girl. I'll cook and tell you about it, or at least attempt to make edible food and tell you where I likely went wrong.. and who knows? Maybe after a few surprise successes, tears and multiple, multiple bottles of wine, I may perhaps migrate from 'accidental' to actual 'cook'. Don't hold your breath though, but keep your mind open to the possibility.

So with that gauntlet thrown down, let the cooking begin! (tomorrow that is, I ordered pizza tonight).


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