Wednesday, May 11, 2011

So I broke my leg...

Okay so Charity has told you I broke my leg playing hockey. Not my fault. So the last 8 weeks I've been ordering take out and making sandwiches. You gotta admit that's a stunning reason not to blog about the cooking you're not doing cause you're laid up like Charlie Sheen in the porn room. Cooking on crutches? Dangerous, let me tell you. Stumbling around with a pan of hot butter or standing on one leg while your red wine reduction fails is not my idea of a good time.

But I'm back on two legs once again so I decided to start of easy. So here it is... soup! And sure you may think that Sweet Potato and Jalapeno Soup is an autumn dish, it is but screw that idea, it's damn easy and I'm recouperating so you have to have sympathy somewhere. Plus its completely delicious and takes 1/2 hour to make so it more than makes up for the fact I'm seasonally challenged.

Sweet Potato and Jalapeno Soup

1 Tbsp peanut oil
1/2 cup chopped red onion
2 tsp minced garlic
3 medium sweet potatoes, peeled & diced into 1 inch chunkers
4 cups chicken stock
1 medium jalapeno, seeded and finely chopped
2 tbsp molasses
1/2 tsp salt
1/4 tsp ground cayenne pepper
1/2 tsp ground black pepper
pinch of cinammon

1. In a large saucepan or if you're fancy enough to own a soup pot, heat the peanut oil over medium heat. Throw in the onions & garlic and saute the suckers up til they're soft.. a couple minutes. Add the sweet potatos and pour the stock over everyone. Bring the party to a boil.

2. Reduce heat and simmer and let them orgy for 10 minutes until the pototoes go soft (a sure sign the orgy is over, non?) Throw in the jalapeno for 2 minutes then remove from heat. With the new immersion blender your husband got you for Mother's Day, zap everything in the pot until its fairly smooth .....

3. Reheat on the stove again and toss the rest of the ingredients in. Seriously that's it. Done. Ladel into a bowl and for shiz and giggles throw on some chopped up italian parsely to make it all gourmet like.

Okay so there we go. A recipe that is fail safe. Now so we idiot proof this? aka Sharon-proof this... do NOT stick your jalapeno juiced fingers in your eyes. Been there, done it. I don't rock the eyepatch look so neither can you.

Peace out, Sharon

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